Guest Membership

With our FREE Guest Membership, riders can join us for a maximum of three rides before needing to become a full member. Membership is open to over 18s only. It is a club rule that all riders must have Third Party Liability Insurance that provides cover when cycling. To obtain our Guest membership, please complete the simple online form: here.

Full Membership

There are Two types of Heart of England Cycling Club Full Membership. Full Memberships is available for 5 years (from 1 January in the year of joining) at the reduced rate of £30 for the 5 years or, for 1 year (from 1 January in the year of joining)  at £10.

Membership is open to over 18s only. It is a club rule that all riders must have Third Party Liability Insurance that provides cover when cycling. Therefore, Membership Applications that do not state Insurance details will be rejected.

NEW MEMBERS should first read the Club Constitution, and Advice to Riders (both under the Administration tab) and check their Third Party Liability Insurance. Then download the Membership Application form (see below) and complete all the details requested.

1    Third Party Liability Insurance is required  (It should provide cover of at least £10m when cycling)

2    Membership of Cycling UK or British Cycling (Ride/Race) provides adequate cover. You may have your own alternative Third-party liability insurance* at an equivalent or higher level than Cycling UK/British Cycling member insurance. The Membership Secretary may request confirmation of insurance cover. Members with the (preferred) FIVE YEAR membership undertake to maintain the required insurance cover for the duration of membership.

3    Insurance Details  Please include your CUK/BC membership number or name of alternative insurer and policy number where requested on the Membership Form.    

Word and PDF versions of our Membership Application Forms can be downloaded using the buttons below:

Completed Membership Application Forms.  Please email to the Membership Secretary ( or if handwritten pass on to a committee member. Payment can be via cash with completed membership form or via Bank Transfer.

By joining Heart of England Cycling Club you agree to the clubs Constitution and Data Privacy Notice

EXISTING MEMBERS will receive an email from the Membership Secretary giving notice and instructions how to renew their membership.

* many household insurance policies have third-party liability cover – check with your insurance provider.  Membership of some cycling organisations, e.g. British Cycling, also includes appropriate cover.