Cycling in a group is a highly sociable pastime, enabling people of all ages and abilities to come together, and it doesn’t need to be competitive! This Advice is intended to let riders know what is expected of them when riding with our club. The help and advice given is taken from both Cycling UK resources and local (HoECC) guidelines. Please familiarise yourselves with its contents; it will help you and others around you get the most out of cycling.
You must become a member before joining any of our rides. 1 and 5 years Full Membership options are available along with our Guest Membership if you just want to give us a try. Click here for further details. Riders under 18 are not permitted to ride with HoECC..
New Riders- are most welcome on any of our club rides. Here are some things you should be aware of:
-New riders should check the HoECC website at to find the type of ride that is likely to suit their level of fitness and style of riding.
-As a new rider you may go to the meet venue on the day, or you may seek advice on the ride you intended to go on by sending an Enquiry from the website
Before Setting Off– we all know preparation is important before setting out on a project or task. Cycling is no different. Here are some reminders and tips:
Bike Security – with bike thefts on the increase it’s advisable to use a Gold or Diamond standard lock to secure your bike to a strong immovable object, preferably somewhere out of sight where passing criminals will not notice it. In addition, some riders choose to disable their bike when parked by, for example, removing the front wheel or saddle. Registering your bike on the national bike database ( is a good idea as is bike insurance, either specific bike insurance or added to household insurance.
Whilst not compulsory we recommend you wear a correctly fitting and adjusted cycle helmet on all club rides. You should also wear suitable clothing for cycling.
Your bike should
• Be roadworthy
• Be fitted with mudguards, or you should ride at back of group in wet conditions
• Carry lights in winter months
• Not be fitted with tribars/Cinelli bars/”prayer bars” etc for safety reasosn in group riding
You should carry
• Tools appropriate to your bike, including pump and tyre levers
• A good sturdy bike lock, Gold or Diamond standard
• Emergency spares (including at least 2 inner tubes)
• In Case of Emergency (ICE) details; carry a completed ICE form and/or complete your ICE details in your mobile phone
You might want to take
• Drink and energy bars (and lunch where advised)
• Waterproofs
Check the Event Listing on the HoECC website ( and WhatsApp Group for any last minute changes to the planned ride from 08.00 on the day of the ride. This is particularly important in poor weather conditions in case the planned ride is cancelled.
At the meet – meeting locations for all rides can be found on the club website, The locations are chosen to suit the particular group or ride destination.
Riders should aim to arrive 15 minutes before the departure time.
The Ride Captain shall make themselves known to the group. If the designated Captain is not at the meet, an alternative Ride Captain should be selected from the other riders present.
New riders will be introduced to others.
Sign the runs book when requested by the Captain.
On the road – We are all ambassadors for cycling and should always consider our behaviour towards other road users.
All riders must ride with their own safety and that of the group as their main consideration.
Participation is at own risk, but third party insurance cover is compulsory – provided by Cycling UK Affiliate or Full membership – or other sources as approved by the Club Secretary.
Riding in a group- group riding is not difficult; in fact it can be a lot of fun. However, for the benefit of all we do recommend the following:
The instructions of the Captain shall be followed.
Pass on instructions from the Captain to other riders.
Do not overtake the Captain unless he/she agrees.
Do not overlap wheels with the rider(s) directly in front
Do not signal to drivers of vehicles waiting to overtake, except in exceptional circumstances.
Any group with 12 or more riders should be split into groups not exceeding 11.
Do not ride through fords or deep standing water (most fords have a footbridge).
Comply with the Highway Code including Paragraph 66 which states: you should never ride more than two abreast and should ride in single file on narrow and busy roads and when riding round bends.
When pausing during a ride stop in a safe place, preferably off road or if not somewhere that does not obstruct or hinder other road users.
Riders should be reminded to “single out” on busy roads, ride groups should leave sufficient gaps for other road users to overtake when safe to do so.
When singling up from riding two abreast, the outside rider shall pull back behind the inside rider.
Support to other riders and the Captain – when cycling in a group some riders view may be obscured or they may not be aware of other road users. Therefore:
Where possible indicate to other riders any obstacle on the road e.g. pot holes, parked cars, pedestrians in road, glass or debris.
Warn others of cars held behind group, or about to pass.
Warn following riders that you are about to brake by calling ‘easy’.
Warn the Captain if the pace is too fast for anyone struggling.
If riding in the middle of the group, check at changes of direction that others are in sight and if not, wait until the last rider (the Backmarker) is in sight.
End of ride – seek advice of Captain if you are unsure of return route home. When you intend to break away from Group to go home directly, inform the Captain or Backmarker.
Let’s Go Cycling!